Suggested Resources*
*stuff we like and think you might too!
The Body Keeps the Score (B. van der Kolk, MD). Okay, maybe not the easiest read for some, but this is a classic that broke new ground in how we treat trauma. There’s usually a copy in every public library and lots of used copies you can pick up on the cheap.
It Didn’t Start with You (M. Wolynn). Great introduction to the concept of generational trauma. Good stuff! Also easily available in libraries.
When the Body Says No (G. Mate, MD). Gabor Mate has done groundbreaking work in exploring childhood trauma, addiction, and the impact of stress and trauma on the body.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness Using IFS, A Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 3rd Edition Paperback
Inside Out (Disney Studios, 2015). A wonderful, compassionate study of
internal parts. There’s a sequel scheduled for 2024!!Sixth Sense (Spyglass Entertainment, 1999). The story of a young boy, Cole, who states he can see and talk to the dead. Interesting exploration of Cole’s internal struggle of wanting to help the dead but also wanting it all to “just go away;” a great treatment of the difficulty in trying to avoid internal conflict.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) David O. Russell made this Pennsylvania-set masterpiece about two struggling and healing people who fall for each other. Written as something of a gift for his son, who has bipolar disorder and OCD. A blend of huge laughs, painful authenticity and a moving love story,
Family is a funny thing. We love them, sometimes they hurt us and drive us bonkers. This movie captured the shattering heartbreak and undeniable hilarity that happens when loved ones throw down.